[It's now evening, of the same day in which you all activated the Pillars to put up the shield around True North Village.] [After you got back to the village, you were treated to a very spectacular meal by quite a few of the villagers, who apparently believe in feasts *before* the victory. Ehh, they'll probably give you another one if you manage to save them.] [You're all relaxing in Neria's house, which has a nicely-sized living room, complete with a fireplace and comfy furniture. (Being village leader has its perks, you know.) Neria herself has gone off to discuss things with various and sundry people, but Mela's there with you.] [So, basically, there's nothing to do except relax and prepare for the day to come. Session Start.] * Ao-Lang is curled up in one of the armchairs. She seems content enough, twisting one of her braids around her finger and looking at the ceiling. "Better be right about that time stopping thing while I'm here. I don't wanna miss the fight tomorrow." She considers, then grins. "Either one." * Jinx leans back in a cushioned chair with his feet up on a leg rest. He's got his naginata lying up against the wall and his shotgun on the floor next to him. He's got his eyes shut. * Taki is sprawled across a nice comfy chair...well, as sprawled as a four and a half foot tall Japanese girl can get anyway, "It did last time right?" * Ao-Lang still, by the way, has those boots on. Even with her feet up. If anyone's complained, they've been ignored. Yeah, but last time wasn't that long. Now we're staying for over a day. [Mela has not complained. She seems comfortably situated near the fireplace.] * Isaac is looking curiously at the Naginata, which is at least 1.5 times his hight, probably more. [Mela shrugs. "If it worked before, it should work now. Although we don't usually send people back and forth this much. You guys just happened to arrive in our hour of need."] * Shinrethryn stays in a corner, away from most of the chairs, eyeing the fire suspiciously, then giving it a steady scowl as if it will shrivel into smoke. When it doesn't, she closes her eyes and sits back for a moment. "You really live like this?" ~Who you gonna pound tomorrow, Ao?~ Haven't decided yet. * Jinx smiles. "Yeah, I forget sometimes people can be this comfortable all the time." Must be one of thoes annoying destiny things...although I do like this chair. [Mela looks over at Shinny. "What, the fire? Sorry. Not like we have any other sources of light and heat, though."] * Taki squirms around a bit. * Isaac makes a sighing face. ~Well, at least I can get my kicks here.~ [Mela stretches. "There will be much ass to be kicked tomorrow. Hopefully."] Uh-uh. I mean...this place seems so small, so tight...and...I still don't know how I got here. * Jinx opens his eyes and glances over at Mela. "So, I take it things are normally less dangerous around here?" ["You can sleep outside if you want. Things should be safe enough. And as to how you got here... well, the nexus generally isn't too forthcoming with information when it takes someone."] * Taki snorts, "At lest it probibly knows what it's doing." * Shinrethryn sticks her tongue out of the side of her mouth and curls her fingers towards the fire for a second, then thinks better of it and unfolds it, letting out a little tiny whisper of breath. "What's there outside?' [Mela looks over at Jinx and half-smiles. "Boy, are they ever. Most of the time, we just have to worry about wild animals in the forest or something. That's it. I kinda wonder..." She pauses and then shakes her head. "Ehh, forget it."] [Mela turns briefly to Shinrethryn. "More space, for one. You said the place seemed small."] * Jinx shakes his head slightly. "Do go on, we've got time." * Shinrethryn shakes her head, rattling her bells lightly. "Yeah but...there's no place to sleep out there..." She frowns. [The door opens, and Deryk (we *all* remember him, don't we?) walks in, shutting it behind him. He looks over your group. "Oh, it's you."] * Isaac looks over at Jinx. ~Mind if I play with your Naginata for a little?~ ^_^ You want us to move a bed for you? * Shinrethryn blinks. Then blinks again. "B-ed?" * Ao-Lang looks over at Deryk, then beams. "It's *you*! I've missed you so much!" [Mela doesn't even look over at Deryk. "Neri's upstairs, Deryk."] * Isaac grins. ...Big soft thing people sleep on because it's nicer than the ground? [Deryk blinks at Ao-Lang. "What?"] * Shinrethryn switches her gaze to Ao and giggles, brighting up for a second. * Jinx looks over at Isaac. "Eh, sure, just get it back in one piece. And be careful, it has a special wave attack of some sort." * Taki ignors Doryk for now. * Shinrethryn then switches back to Taki and brightens up again. "Oh! You mean like grass?" Every moment we were apart, I was in agony. Wondering, waiting... Oh, you didn't come to see me? Never mind. * Isaac snickers. The party can hear canned laughter in their heads. ["Of course not. Why would I want to see you? I'm surprised you're still here, and not gone back to your own worlds."] * Jinx smirks a bit. "Ah.. but you world has such comfortable chairs." Er..sorta...sometimes, Imagine grass with something covering it so it can't scratch you. We're here to save the village, since you can't hack it by yourself. * Shinrethryn pouts. "Aww. The little zappy boy doesn't like us..." * Shinrethryn grins right afterwards. [Mela seems to be finding something in the fire quite amusing, as she's looking in that direction and snickering.] Yeah, dunno why. He wouldn't be jealous, would he? [Deryk straightens himself up. "I can 'hack it,' as you've so crudely put it."] Yeah. I think his little kitty stroke embaaaarassed him. * Ao-Lang snorts, waving dismissively. "Sure you can." * Taki finaly gives him some attention, "Then you won't mind us watching?" ["Do you want *proof*?"] Proof of what? Purchase. Never mind, you probably wouldn't get it. * Shinrethryn blink blinks and starts to ask a question but stops at the second comment. "Nope." * Jinx shrugs and turns back to Mela. "So, you were not saying something ealier..." [Deryk looks confused for a second, then shakes his head. "Well. I don't need to prove myself to the likes of you, I'm sure. Everything will become clear tomorrow. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to with my cousin."] How can he prove it anyways? Is he going to put the village in danger to stroke his little eeeego? * Ao-Lang stretches and half-flips off the chair, landing on her feet. The leather boots, surprisingly, don't make much sound. She folds her arms, looking Deryk over skeptically. "Oh, sure. Don't let me get in the way of your business." * Isaac tips the Naginata over, and taking it one hand twirls it alternating his hands above his heads, and sets it into a ready stance. Amazingly, he makes sure he has enough room to do this in, and does it without cutting himself. His eyes flash red. [Mela looks over at Jinx. "Huh?"] Nah, village is allready in danger...he just has to take a walk outside the walls. You started to say something and then stopped. I was curious what it was, if you don't mind me asking. ~Hehe. Hehehehe.~ * Taki oohs and aahs at Isaac's display. ["I would never, *ever* do such a thing as that! This is my home, and I will defend it to my last breath! Ex*cuse* me!"] [Deryk sweeps his way upstairs.] * Isaac kicks the middle of the naginata up, catching it in his left hand, and sets it upright again. ~He's planning something.~ ^_^ * Shinrethryn looks at Taki and points to him. "But yeah, if he's wrong, village goes up in waves, right? So he's gonna stroke his little eeeego." * Ao-Lang looks at Isaac. "Know what?" ~You don't care.~ [Meanwhile, Mela looks a bit uncertain. "It wasn't really anything. Just my paranoia acting up."] Not really. But I'm wondering what he's planning anyway. * Taki shrugs, "There are ways to find out." * Shinrethryn shrugs helplessly. "He's planning something stupid." * Jinx then gives a slight grin. "Indulge it, if it's just your paranoia, no harm, if not..." * Isaac smiles. ~He's not too bright. I should get what we want to know soon enough.~ ^_^ [Mela sighs. "All right, all right. I just wonder if it's a sign of something, that's all."] * Ao-Lang snickers. "Works. Hey, can I play with that?" She points at the naginata. If I knew more about the cards I suppose I could do a reading or something...which would only tell us things that are usefull after it's too late to do anything... * Jinx looks over at Ao-Lang. "Sure, if you've got half the skill of Isaac, you're still probably better with it than I am." Doesn't sound too helpful. Cards? Huh. ~Sure~ ^_^ What's a 'card'? * Isaac throws the naginata one-handed to Ao-Lang. That's right. One- handed. * Jinx looks back to Mela. "Well, have there been incidents that this fire sorceress hasn't been behind?" Piece of paper about this big. * Taki holds up her fingers in the aproximate outline of a playing card. And why would you want paper? One side usualy has a pattern on it that all the other cards have, the other side has symboles on it. * Shinrethryn taps her cheek. "Come to think of it, how can paper read anything?" [Mela raises an eyebrow at the naginata-toss, then looks at Jinx. "None that I know of. We don't get much news from the other continents here... or even from the farther parts of this one."] * Ao-Lang catches it, one-handed, and moves a bit away from the group. She starts goofing with the naginata. And by "goofing", it means going through a kata with smooth, graceful motions, never endangering anyone with the edge. "That's not useful. Someone should make a news system or something." You can play games with them, and some people belive that if you arange them in certain ways they can show the future. Oh, tarot cards. Those ones Mariah always has out. That's silly. Paper doesn't know the future. It sure didn't know it as a tree. Otherwise it wouldn't let itself get cut down. Yep, that's them. Yeah, you tell her that. * Jinx nods. "So, if there's something bigger going on, we'll likely find out tomorrow. Doubt she'll be holding back then." She's a little obsessed with the whole hocus pocus thing. But some of her magic works, so whatever. [Mela nods. "We've been working on a system of carrier birds, but it's hard to get things set up when the other cities seem too absorbed in their own problems."] That sounds fun. Hocus...POCUS! [Mela looks back at Jinx. "She'll definitely be bringing the best of what she's got."] * Taki watches Ao practice and then sighs, "I need to lean to do that..." * Jinx grins again slightly. "The trick to that sorrt of thing is to get merchants involved, peoeple whose interests are first and foremost in commerce and communnicate. They always tended to pay well on message delivery jobs." ["And what she's got is a fair amount of magical power at her beck and call, plus a load of fanatically devoted... well, let's just say she's worshipped as a minor goddess down there, so when she says 'jump,' they all ask how high."] So...how high? * Jinx nods. "Don't think for themselves then? We could use that." [Mela smirks. "If we have anything to say about it, not very. And I suppose this is one instance were being mostly self-sufficient is a hindrance. We don't get many merchants trading here."] * Ao-Lang pivots, stabbing behind, before snapping the butt backwards and twirling the weapon behind her and turning to face Taki. "I'm not that good, really. Just know some basic stuff." * Isaac smirks. ~Likewise.~ ^_^ Which is a lot more than I know. * Jinx broadens his grin. "Well, hopefully after we gather the loot of this soon to be defeated 'minor god' they'll have a reason to come." It's like anything else. You work at it, you'll be good. You don't, you won't. It's not like fighting's your life. [Deryk comes back downstairs. He looks far less than pleased.] So it's the same as everything else, and I'm sure I could find somebody who'd disagree with you on that second part. * Ao-Lang grins as she jumps up, slicing at the air and landing in a crouch. "But what's the fun in that? Hey Deryk! Want a turn?" [He sneers. "At what?"] Playing with the naginata. Catch. * Ao-Lang tosses it to him. One-handed. * Shinrethryn tips her head to the side and sits in the air, crossing her legs and leaning her cheek on her knuckles. "Somebody's gruuuumpy." * Jinx snaps his head to watch the naginata. Erk. [Deryk catches it, two-handed. "And what is this?"] ~It's a naginata. Fun for all ages.~ ^_^ Yep! He used it! * Shinrethryn points to Isaac. Naginata: traditional Japanese sharp pointy object. * Ao-Lang giggles. "Though if you're under ten, you should have parental supervision." ["Hmph. No match for a good solid sword."] * Isaac blinks. ~I should?~ [Mela snerks.] So you're saying you can't use it, right? To be precise, it's my weapon, I'd ask that you be careful with it or place it against the wall. You're not under ten, Isaac. ~Oh, right.~ [Deryk places it against the wall, surpisingly carefully. "Why would I have need of this weapon when I'm an expert with a sword?"] * Ao-Lang considers. "I dunno... principal at my old school used to tear things up with the naginata." ~Never know when you won't have a sword.~ * Jinx actually smiles somewhat. "Thanks." No joke. He had a naginata for every occassion. If you wanted to slice things up from farther away? ~You're not talking about... Eoi?~ * Ao-Lang snickers. "Could completely kick my ass... yeah, Mr. Tabushi." ~Hee! One of my fav characters in BH '89.~ ^_^ ~Or was that '79...~ ~I don't remember, dangit.~ Ask him sometime. He's still running Toriyama. [Deryk smirks. "I have never lost my blade. And I don't intend to."] I don't know...a lot of people seemed to use swords where I came from...those are those pointy things with two edges right? * Ao-Lang raises an eyebrow. "So... you're banking on never being unarmed? That's pretty stupid." * Taki nods, "allways good to know where your things are." Or your sword getting all ruuusty... [Deryk looks a bit uncertain. "Well... no. Of course I can fight unarmed."] Another good thing. Really? I'm surprised. Since you're never unarmed. * Isaac looks innocent as he leans against the wall and looks up at the ceiling. ["I studied under one of the Telenari fighters!"] ... And this means something to me why? Remember, we're not from around here. * Shinrethryn taps her cheek. "If you were under him, then you mustn't have learned all that muuuch.." [Mela looks over and rolls her eyes. "If you call meeting my grandfather once or twice each year 'studying,' then yes, you did. Otherwise, I'd like to know when you did this so-called studying of yours."] * Jinx snickers a bit at that. * Taki just grins. * Ao-Lang glances at Mela, then smirks. She folds her arms, idly taking a step to block the doorway. Not that she looks the least bit intimidating, no sir. [Deryk looks even more nervous. "Well, I uh... was busy studying the art of the blade, so of course I had to pay a bit more attention to that... but your grandfather was a great man, Mela, and I have nothing but respect for him."] [Mela eyes him levelly. "Glad to hear you say that. Now, are you finished with your business here?"] * Isaac smiles. * Shinrethryn just smiles and settles down on the floor, smoothing her dress with a jingle and walks up to Deryk, looking up at him with bright eyes. "Are you really that great?" ["Finished? Oh, yes, long since. I'm not even sure what I'm still doing here..." He looks around the room.] Why, you're engaging in witty banter. [Mela smiiiiiles. "Good. Then you can go."] * Taki sits up in her chair. [Deryk starts. "Yes! Of course. I'll be leaving now..." He turns towards the door, which Ao is (presumably) still blocking.] * Jinx settles into his chair, enjoyying the cushioning. * Ao-Lang smiles prettily at him. "Mind if I walk you out?" Awww...and I was hoping you'd show us a few moves! (Our plan is to get you to fight for us by bribing you with comfortable furniture!) (Yeah. Lemme show you how comfortable it is! *tosses a chair at him*) Since, you know, you're this greaaaat warrior and all... [Deryk looks at Ao uncertainly. "I... I suppose."] ~Yeah! I wanna see!~ * Isaac grins brightly too. * Taki grins, "I would also like to see." * Ao-Lang latches onto his arm. "Good." She starts leading him out. "'Cause, you know, it's impolite to do anything but katas in someone else's house." [Deryk is led. Mela gets up, grinning. "Oh, *this* oughtta be good."] Aww...I wanna go too! * Isaac follows. ~I wanna see this.~ ^_^ [Mela motions to Shinny. "C'mon, then."] * Shinrethryn shifts into water for a second and collapses with a splash, reforming outside. * Jinx glances at the door, and seems fairly loathe to get up. "Well.. victories obvious, anyone willing to bet on the spread? I've seen a lot of fights in mym life, and sat in few chairs this good." * Taki internaly debates taking her chair with her for a few seconds before standing up and walking to the door. (Take it with you, Jinxy!) Nah, I don't have anything worth betting. (And be impolite to the one obviously of age female in the room? I think not. :P) [Mela grins at Jinx. "Don't get up, then." She picks up the chair, with him still in it, and carries it outside, giving him a wink.] (Haha!) (Hehe.) (Jinx has been kidnapped.) ( Well, someone had to take Mary Anne's place...>.> ) (*pouts* I'm of age. I just look very good for my age!) * Taki chuckles, "Carefull, the lady with the big gun might want him back." * Jinx looks fairly surprised for a moment, and then resettles, smiling. "Man, I could get used to this." ~Why not?~ ^_^ (Nah. Millie'd be laughing till her sides split.) [Mela gives Taki a grin. "Well, she's not here *now*, is she?"] Well...no, now that you mention it, she isn't. * Taki grins back. ( Oh my goodness gracious! You bad bad nasty men! Now, who wants in on 5:1 odds on my escape? Anyone? Anyone? Oh my goodness gracious! ) ( *snerks*) (*cracks up*) (Hahahaha!) (Hehe.) (Heee!) * Ao-Lang cheerily leads Deryk on, not really caring if he wants to come or not. [Ao leads Deryk to the village square, which is a short distance away from Neria's place. It's lit by torches, and there are a few armed villagers standing guard around it. They look surprised to see the rather unusual procession. A few of them murmur among themselves.] * Ao-Lang reaches up and idly ruffles Deryk's hair. [Deryk sputters. "H-hey! What's the big idea?"] * Shinrethryn grins widely. "She liiiikes you~" * Isaac grins. ["I think not, and I will thank you *not* to touch me."] * Ao-Lang smirks. "Silly, I've been touching you this entire time." I don't think you get much of a choice in this. Besides, what're you gonna do about it? * Shinrethryn shimmers into her water form and teleports behind him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a big hug. "Ooo! Then can I touch you? Can I? Can I?" * Jinx continues to seem quite pleased with this mode of transportation. He grins down at Mela during the procession. "So, work out much?" ["I meant like that. You will leave me alone."] ["Get off me!"] [Mela sets him down and stretches. "Oh, a bit."] But I like it here! [Deryk swats at her.] * Shinrethryn shrieks and floats up a bit higher, knocking her palms down on his head and shoving it downward. "Big meanie!" [Deryk staggers forward. "Away from me, cursed imp!"] I'm not an imp! Imps are ugly! * Ao-Lang has since let go of Deryk and is watching, hands shoved in her pockets. "Try asking her nicely. Say please." ["Hmph. I've had enough of this ridculousness. I'm going."] Nope. I don't think you are. * Taki watches the floorshow. ["Are *you* going to stop me?"] * Isaac smiles. ~I don't think he is either.~ ~Yes'm, I think she is.~ * Shinrethryn rolls her eyes and inches back a little, folding her arms across her chest. "Hmmph." * Ao-Lang tilts her head and grins. Hands are still in their pockets, stance is as relaxed as ever. "I can." * Jinx glances at the fight for a minute then back at Mela, keeping a grin. "I have to wonder at what you could do if you did it a lot." * Isaac looks curiously at Deryk. [Mela shrugs idly, still grinning. "They say my ancestors carved out the caves of Mount Telenar with their bare hands. But you know how things get exaggerated."] * Jinx nods. "They probably used a gloves." 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Isaac (2d6) and gets 7. * Taki shrugs, "I know a few people who could probibly do that if they needed to." [Mela laughs.] [Deryk, meanwhile, tries to sidestep past Ao.] * Jinx smiles over at Taki for a moment. "You would seem to keep good company, if they have Mela's impressive level of strength." * Ao-Lang sidesteps, blocking his path without effort. She looks up at him. "I'm going to stop you, because I brought you out here for a little fun. And, more importantly, I doubt you." * Taki nods, "I live an interesting life..." [Deryk looks down at her. "You want a fight, then. Am I correct?"] Maybe. Or maybe I want you to admit what you really are. ~Poser.~ * Shinrethryn hmmphs again and gives an icy glare at Deryk out of the side of her eyes. ["I am Deryk DuNord, warrior of True North Village. I need not explain myself to you. But if you want a fight, I will oblige."] You're a stinky drippy boy is what you are. (Gah, I'm putting way too much of myself in tonight, I had, "Don't shatter all of his dreams Ao, just most of them." all typed out) * Jinx calls out as the fight starts. "Hey, Deryk, you're confident in your abilities. How about staking some money on that, even odds." ["I need not bet. I *will* win."] Good luck Deryk! * Ao-Lang laughs. "He's gonna need it." She winks at Taki, then looks back to Deryk. "You think you're so strong? Prove it. We both know I'm going to win." [Mela chuckles. "I guess somebody's gotta give him a token cheer. Try not to embarass yourself too much out there, Deryk." She grins cheefully.] ~Don't beat him too badly! I wanna have a turn too!~ * Shinrethryn mumbles in a pouty tone. "I could beat him..." Can't stand liars that don't even do it in a fun way. [Deryk takes a step back and produces his massive broadsword out of nowhere. "Well, then. I'm ready."] * Taki nods, "You're both right, and this way, maybe he won't run too fast." See? * Ao-Lang skips a few steps back and spreads her hands. "Whaddaya know, me too!" ~Overcompensating, I see.~ * Shinrethryn opens her eyes and looks up. "Big sword." Come on, Isaac, every wannabe swordsman has a good phallic symbol. * Jinx sighs. "They're never willing to put their money where their mouth is." ~Even Hope.` ^_^ d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (d6+6) and gets 12. [Ao, Deryk] [Go, Ao!] * Ao-Lang tilts her head, but other than that, doesn't move. "Well? Let's see whatcha got." (Total defense, his turn.) * Shinrethryn appears near Jinx and crosses one leg over the other, peeking at him. "What's your money like?" [Deryk rushes at Ao, swinging his sword. Oddly enough, he seems to have shut up for the moment.] 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-5) and gets 2. * Taki waits for it. * Jinx reaches into an easily accessable money pouch in one of his sleeves. "Two kinds, one for each half of the continent." He takes feels in the wallet a bit then takes out a mix of coins and shows them. * Shinrethryn taps her cheek as she looks at them. "They're prettier than that creepy merchant guy. He said he used money to buy useless stuff so he could 'sell' it and get more money to buy more useless stuff. Is that what you do with your money?" * Jinx shakes his head. "Naw, but similar. Mostly I kill stuff for money, blow it on utterly useless but quite enjoyable stuff for myself or a pretty face, or just lose over matters involving small scraps of paper." * Ao-Lang tries to dance to one side, still grinning, but manages to get a thin slice down the side of her jeans anyway. She goes with it, snapping the fans into her hands and darting in. She slices first at his ribs, then raises her other tessen and cuts at his right arm as momentum carries him forward. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets 4. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-4) and gets 2. * Shinrethryn smiles at him. "At least you're honest about it. The merchant man tried to tell me it was important." * Jinx watches the fight for a moment. "Interesting style, I'll never look at a fan the same way again." * Taki cheers for Ao. ( Why thank you, Jinx. ) ~You should see some of the stuff people do back home.~ ^_^ [Both slashes connect, sending Deryk staggering backwards. He hisses sharply, then glares at her. "You won't catch me unprepared again!"] Um...I think she will. [He raises his sword, and lightning crackles around it. He then steps in and takes a powerful, two-handed swing at Ao-Lang.] ( Fanfan: What? I initially knocked your style to flatter Millie, can't be inconsistant now can I? ;P) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets 4. ( Wait, you knocked my style? When? ^^; ) ( I honestly can't remember that. ^^ ) (Fanfan should be here. ^_^) (Very first session they met, was a side comment to Millie, Fanfan may not have heard) (Essentially, "eh, you could take her." after a fancy display.) ( Oh yeah. ) * Jinx looks back at Shiny. "Well, many people need to think what they do is important, gives them a purpose, keeps them moderately happy." ( Ah, I missed the boat. ): ) (It's okay. These nexus worlds, they are touchy, and one never knows when they'll suck in more people. ^_~) Yeah...but what if it's stupid? Like that guy? * Shinrethryn gestures her head towards Deryk. ~Then it's stupid.~ ^_^ ( Well, hey... :D ) * Ao-Lang laughs, seeming to completely ignore the trickle of blood down her pant leg. "That's what you think." She dodges to one side, the blade nearly missing her, and jumps back. "Don't tell me that's all you can do." * Jinx shrugs. "Then they should learn to act like a professional, and avoid a lot of trouble." (Again, full defense.) * Taki grins as Ao dodges again. (And it completely missed her. Wrong adverb.) [Deryk grits his teeth and brings his lightning-encased sword around for another swing.] 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-5) and gets 1. * Shinrethryn shakes her head. "It's no fun. If I splash him now, I'll never hear the end of it.." But....ooo, he just makes me so mad. [Mela cheers. "C'mon, Ao, kick his ass!"] So? Just watch Ao do it for you. [A familiar voice speaks up from behind the group. "And what is going on here?"] * Shinrethryn grins at Mela. "Thought you were supposed to be stupi-- ack!" * Isaac turns around and looks presumably up at the voice. * Shinrethryn splashes into the ground and reappears a few feet away, turned around and shrieked. "Don't DO that~!" [Neria stands there with a curious expression on her face.] [Mela waves idly. "Hey, Neri. Just watchin' your cousin humiliate himself, is all."] * Taki turns around, but keeps looking over her shoulder at the fight. * Ao-Lang leans back, letting it whiff. "Ooh, I can do that, too!" As the greatblade passes harmlessly away, Ao-Lang jumps up, slicing her right tessen down towards his face, a faint crackle of electricity in the air. "Falling Star Strike!" 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-4) and gets 4. * Jinx looks over to Neria. "Been quite a show really, you missed some good action." ~It's funny.~ ^_^ * Isaac turns back to the action, all the while his eyes flickering red now and then. Ooh, this oughta be a good one. [Deryk leaps back and lets Ao's strike pass by him harmlessly. "Hmph." He whirls around and attempts to deliver another strike to Ao.] [He seems to have been knocked a bit off-balance, though, as his sword slices the air next to her instead. She doesn't even have to move to avoid it.] Aww. [Neria settles in. "I suppose he will need a healer after this."] * Isaac nods. ~An awful good one, at that.~ * Taki turns back around, "I wonder if I can bring everybody else next time..." [Mela grins. "Hey, the more, the merrier."] * Ao-Lang dashes in, snapping her left tessen at his side, a watery trail behind it with the cry of, "Strike of Flowing Water!" She makes no effort to stop, either, running right past him and towards the other side of the square with surprising speed. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-4) and gets 5. Does it work that way? Can we bring anyone? Ooo...pretty. * Shinrethryn shifts her glance towards Ao-Lang in wonder. Dunno, but Ao and Isaac are from the same place, and Jinx here had someone with him las...Niiicee. * Jinx looks over at Taki, keeps his eyes on the fight, but turns a bit towards Taki. "Who else is there, lots of teleporters and strong types from.. uh.. Japan was it? [Deryk is hit by the stream of water and nearly falls over. He gasps, and the lightning surrounding his sword goes out. "I- impossible!"] * Isaac smiles sheepishly. ~Where we're from, I'm considred realitely weak. I'm not a fighter in the truest sense.~ ^_^; [Mela ruffles Isaac's hair. "You're definitely a fighter, Isaac."] * Jinx hmms at the fight. "Hmm.. Water beats Lightning... Probably shouldn't effect my stuff." Nah, there's only supposed to be seventy some...no...wait...there's the reversed and the bla...and the...Only a few hundred I think. Most everybody else is fairly normal. * Isaac bats at Mela's hand. ~Don' do that!~ * Ao-Lang turns to face him and calls over, "Aww, widdle Deryk can't take the pressure?" [Mela grins at him. "Awww."] * Shinrethryn watches Ao-Lang starry-eyed. ...So who else is feeling totaly outclassed? [Deryk mutters a few words, then glares at his sword, then glares at Ao. "I've had enough!" He rushes at her and swings, sans electrical effects this time.] 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets 9, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Some things just aren't meant to be." (Heheh, yay!) (...) (Jinx, lend her a DR. :P) * Jinx shrugs. "I've seen worse, albiet not much worse. Anyways, so, does your lot rule?" (What's the fun in that? :P SUre, take one) (Woot! I love this 'DR pool' thing. ^_^) (Nah. I'm not taking one.) Well...some of them want to. I don't. Rule? * Shinrethryn tilts her head to the side, still watching Ao-Lang. ~Not me?~ ( D...R...pool? @_@) * Jinx keeps his eyes on the fight. "Exert power over others, give orders, get lots of useless stuff, impress women, or men I suppose, that sort of thing." * Ao-Lang grins madly and readies her closed tessen... just in time to get smacked by the sword. She goes flying, landing painfully on her back and rolling shakily to her feet. As she stands, though, all she has to say is, "That's it? One of my roommates woulda nearly killed me with a hit like that." Why would you wanna do that? ... * Isaac smiles. ~WEAK!~ [Deryk smirks, though he still seems to be breathing heavily. "It's effective enough, I think."] * Taki winces as Ao takes the hit. * Shinrethryn grins. "She's silly. I like her." * Jinx flinches a bit. "Ouch..." He relaxes again though after seeing her get back up. * Jinx then replies to Shiny. "People often think those things are important, or at least pleasurable." * Taki nods, "And they can be real jerks about it too." Those people are silly too. But...the bad kind of silly. Yes! * Ao-Lang smirks back. "Lemme show you how it's done." And she dashes forward at full speed this time, running faster than a human likely should, lightning dancing across the surface of her right tessen and a rippling wave of water on her left. As she closes the gap, they're brought down into a cross-slash down his center, a powerful jet of water with a bolt shot through it bursting forward. "Chaos Stream!" 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-4) and gets 4. [By some miracle, Deryk manages to dive out of the way of Ao's attack. He rolls across the ground several times before staggering upright. "Two elements at once? How can this be?" He is not, however, so confused that he can't counterattack, and so he brings his sword back up and takes another swing at Ao.] * Jinx shrugs. "Maybe so. And of course some seek all that stuff for some greater good, which makes a few people even more murderous than those motivated by simple greed or ambition." He then shrugs. "Hard to generalize without oversimplifying." * Isaac looks thoughtful. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets 6. (Now I feel the dice hate!) But some how the greater good allways seems to also be in their own best interests too. Uh-huh. That's what they all say. * Shinrethryn frowns. "Right before..." Before? Oh! Um...nothing. Mixed elements.. interesting. Anyways, despite all this cynasism, do keep in mind that sometimes what they all say might be true, just as a rule it isn't. * Ao-Lang wasn't expecting said counterattack, and takes it spectacularly, falling to the ground. She barely has the presence of mind to roll away, stopping in a crouch and feeling at her ribs. "Shit," she half-whispers as a mist forms around her and begins to spread outwards. She looks up to Deryk with still-bright eyes and smiles before the area's completely encased. "I didn't want to do this." Uhm... [Deryk scowls, not that any of you can see it. "Curse you!" He swings at where he thinks Ao's voice was coming from.] 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets 0. * Isaac closes his eyes, sensing the locations of the combatants thru their thoughts. Now this is fun. It feels so nice... ...So much for them putting on a show. [Mela mock-pouts. "Aww. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Too bad we won't get to see the end, though."] Aww...you just need to watch from within. ~You will. ^_^~ * Jinx nods. "Well, Ao avoided using it as long as she could. And I can hardly complain about what we did see." [Neria looks contemplative. "Dual-elemental wielding... the idea has merit..."] True. * Shinrethryn looks over the mist, seeing just how liquid it really is. * Ao-Lang must have gotten to her feet at some point, because his sword slices empty air. Mist. Whatever. The air whistles as a pair of tessen spin through it, directly for Deryk. (It's really thick mist. As in, you can't see more than a foot in front of you.) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets 7. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ao-Lang (2d6-3) and gets -1, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I hate these guys. Give 'em one for me." (First miss, second... uh.) (revenge!) * Jinx looks over to where he thinks Neria is. "Think if it's possible to wield opposing elements at once? That could be interesting." Didn't she just do that? ["I am not sure. It is a theory that I have never really considered. But obviously, we have one who knows how."] ~I know people who do.~ * Jinx shrugs. "Maybe Lightning and Water aren't opposing. Oh Isaac? How well does it tend to work?" ~Mariah back at school can use all the elements. She kicks ass as long as she can nail their weakness... Which isn't *that* hard to discover.~ Nah. They help each other...sometimes a little too well. Ahh. [The first tessen wings past Deryk, but the second hits him. Hard. There's a loud cry, and then the corresponding thud of a body hitting the ground.] ~It works really good. I don't exactly use an element, though, unless you count sound as an element.~ * Taki counts on her fingers, "Don't think so." * Jinx shrugs again. "Huh... sounds like we have a victor. As for elemental status, not sure, there's a lot of them out there, I've never been great on general theory though." * Ao-Lang stays still, the mist fading away. She must have managed to get as far as the center of the square, but seeing as she's kneeling as she catches the tessen as they wing back to her, she's in horrible shape. ["The elements we use are Water, Fire and Lightning. And Shadow, which is the absence of all three. And I believe this fight is over."] * Taki blinks at the noises and then turns to face Isaac compleatly, "She get him?" (Cronotrigger!) (Straight out of it.) ~Yup. And that sounds like Chronotrigger.~ (Ask Neria about Zeal sometime. ^_~) (I think he did mention it just before he left last time. ^_^) * Shinrethryn smiles, then frowns a little. "Aww...I wanted to play in the mist.." [Mela blinks. "Chrono... what? Well, never mind. You won, Ao!"] [Deryk is unconscious. Very much so. He's face-first on the ground, and his sword lies next to him.] * Taki grins at Shin, "Maybe if you ask nice she'll bring it back for you later." * Ao-Lang smirks, trying to get to her feet and failing as her left leg gives way. "I always win. Eventually, anyway." * Jinx smiles. "Good... maybe just as well I didn't get a bet, last time I bet on a fight with an ally, it idn't turn out so well." [Neria walks into the square and crouches next to Ao-Lang. "Allow me to heal you."] * Ao-Lang giggles. "You should see the other guy." She doesn't resist, though, as she tries to sit as comfortably as she can. * Shinrethryn pouts and thrusts her fists on her hips. "She'd better..." * Taki walks over to Ao, "Congrats." [Neria actually smiles. "I have seen him." She places a hand on Ao-Lang's shoulder. Blue light washes over her, and she feels almost completely better. "There. Nothing that a night of rest will not cure."] * Isaac runs up to Ao-Lang. ~Good job!~ ^_^ * Ao-Lang takes a deep breath, but doesn't move from her position. She feels at her ribs. "I like that trick. Tastes better than the crap they give us, too." ~Always have to bring it down to the wire, don't you?~ It's less fun if I don't! * Ao-Lang grins. "Besides, I wanted to see what he could do." ["I am surprised that you do not have healers, if there are many like you who wield the elements."] He can carry a big sword... [Mela walks over to Deryk and looks him over, nudging him with her foot. "He put up a pretty good fight, I'll give him that."] And...uh...can't make a joke... * Shinrethryn puts her finger to her lips and thinks. ~We might have some, but... Where we come from, elements can be anything. Light, darkness, sound, fire, ice, even acid and earth.~ Ice. Fucking ice. Ice is just another type of water... * Ao-Lang shakes her head. * Jinx relaxes in his chair again, now that there's nothing to see. Ooo! Need to go skaaaa~ting! [Neria raises an eyebrow. "Ice *is* water, here. It is very strange how things differ."] Nah, we've got people who can only use ice, and some who can only use water. ~It's another form of water. But 'cuz it's cold, it hurts a whole different set of elements.~ Ice is water back home, too. You freeze water and you get ice. But it feels completely different. How you handle it is different. [She looks intrigued. "It would be well worth studying your techniques."] Oh of course. Cuz it's harder. And sharper... And it's *cold*! And colder, and weilded by people who never seem to THINK! * Jinx yawns. "There should be cushion or pillow elementals." * Shinrethryn pouts at Taki. "Hey! I think!" [Neria smiles at Taki. "I wield ice."] * Ao-Lang snickers. Yes, but that's here and not there. Definatly an improvement. ~I wanna have fun next time Ao.~ ^_^ [Mela smirks at Jinx. "What, you need me to carry you back?"] * Shinrethryn hmmphs and folds her arms. She still doesn't look convinced. * Jinx grins over at Mela. "I wouldn't say I need... but I could do to once again be awed by your strength." * Ao-Lang grins at Isaac. "Sure. You don't have to ask for my permission to kick his ass." * Shinrethryn then yawns. "I need to get back to the lake soon..." * Isaac pouts. ~But it's no fun if he's already on the floor.~ [Neria moves over to Deryk and heals him. He opens his eyes slowly, then pulls himself into a sitting position. He glares at the assembly, then grabs his sword, drags himself upright, and stalks off without a word. He's still limping. Apparently Neria could only do so much for him.] [Mela laughs. "Just this once, then." She hefts Jinx and the chair. "I'll see the rest of you back at the house."] * Shinrethryn looks at Deryk and points her fingers out, then shakes her head. "Nah. He's been made fun of enough..." * Taki waves to the departing Jinx. ~Bye Mela!~ ^_^ * Ao-Lang watches him for a moment, then hops to her feet. She really is looking better, despite her torn clothing. "Be right back." And she trails Deryk. * Jinx wears a life is good expression and waves back at Taki. Be sure to note the expression, never tends to last long. [Neria stands up. "And that, as they say, is that. There is a reason why I assigned Deryk to guard a certain position tomorrow."] [Mela calls back over her shoulder. "Night, Isaac!"] * Shinrethryn yawns again. "Can I go back now? I mean it's fun but..." I guess so. We'll probibly need you again in the morning, or whenever the fun starts. * Taki makes a face as she finishes that sentance. * Shinrethryn speaks distantly. "...yeah..." [Deryk trudges back towards the village. Without turning around, he mutters. "What do *you* want now?"] Just a little chat. You put up a good fight. [Deryk stops and looks over his shoulder. He seems rather uncertain. "As... did you. Though I nearly had you."] * Ao-Lang grins. "Yeah, you did." Her eyes twinkle. "Had a plan, though. I always do." * Isaac stretches. [Deryk raises an eyebrow and winces. "Oh? Care to enlighten me?"] Actually, I had a few. The biggest one is that you can't attack from a distance. * Taki nods a few times. [Deryk sighs. "It is true."] * Ao-Lang shrugs easily. "And there's a few ways to handle that. I don't need to tell them to you." ["I wouldn't expect you to."] Good, because I hate spoiling surprises. ["Is there anything else?"] * Ao-Lang walks forward, as unthreatening as ever, but everyone knows better by now. "Yeah. You're a complete jerk. And so am I, but that's not the point." The point is, nobody's going to care about that tomorrow. You do your job and I do mine, and we don't need to doubt each other. We're from outside of your little world, but we'll be fighting the same as you. You'd better respect that. * Ao-Lang smirks. "I don't expect thanks." [Deryk looks straight at her. "You'd better get some rest, then. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."] * Ao-Lang laughs. "Yeah. It'll be lots of fun." She stretches and starts to walk off. "G'night, Sparky." [Deryk walks off without a word.] * Taki yawns and turns to Neria, "Pardon my asking, but where do we sleep tonight?" ["I shall arrange rooms for you."] Thankyou. [Session End]